Roger Hardy - Suffolk artist

Saturday 23 May 2020


During the lockdown period I am working on a number of figures directly in plaster. A new way of working for me but one which I am finding really exciting. This one showing details is Icarus. Perhaps we all did fly too close to the sun. Time for creative reflection during these uncertain times.

Sunday 10 May 2020


Yesterday was spent outside in the sun drawing from recent sculptures. The ink was drying very quickly so had to get a new feel for it as opposed to drawing indoors. Always good to have the challenge of different conditions as new and unexpected results can happen.

Sunday 3 May 2020


I have been working very hard in the studio during this period of lockdown. Making new works trying different ways of working. Using the wooden pieces as inspiration for creating plaster figures. This is a really interesting way of working and allows the hand of the artist to be to the fore. In time I hope to cast some bronzes of this series. I have often incorporated elements that I have found washed up on the beach. This relationship between plaster and other elements I find interesting.

Roger's Blog